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Events & Workshops

Aromatherapy – the study of essential oils, their chemistry and their benefits

Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy that treats mind, body and spirit. Essential oils used in the practice of Aromatherapy are for the treatment of a number of different ailments or conditions and act both physically and mentally.  Essential oils act slowly and should be used in conjunction with good nutrition and gentle exercise.  Essential oils, to varying degrees tend to have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-biotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-septic properties. These oils work through the olfactory nerve (inhalation) and skin absorption. Essential oils are carried through the circulatory system to all the organs and elimination system. Each organ takes only the components it needs from the essential oils and the balance is discarded. As well as being sweet smells, essential oils are also concentrated natural chemicals. The oils are volatile (evaporating readily as their molecules form a gaseous vapour when released into the air) and consist of powerful constituents. They should only be used in small amounts and with care and knowledge.

Aroma means smell and therapy means a treatment designed to cure. The aim of an Aromatherapy massage is to aid oil penetration, relax the body, improve the circulatory and lymphatic system as well as stimulate reflex areas and meridians. Through this improved blood supply, nerve impulses are unblocked, stress and tension are relieved and toxic wastes are flushed out. The body achieves homeostasis and can then use its natural healing potential.

Learn the chemical components of essesntial oils (aroma-chemistry) and how to use them, for the benefit of family and friends.  Use in conjunction with massage techniques taught separately.

Massage Techniques

Including full body massage, back massage, Indian head and shoulders massage, hot stone massage

Massage is the oldest form of the healing arts. There are various professional massage treatments such as Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Shiatsu and Swedish massage. A massage is soothing, relaxing, stimulating, warming, refreshing and healing. Massaging is neither difficult nor complicated and each person will develop a style unique to them. Giving a treatment should be equally as enjoyable as receiving one. Comfort and tranquil surroundings are important. 

Head massage is commonplace in India – techniques having been passed through generations for thousands of years.  This type of massage has been featured in the earliest Ayurvedic texts which date back thousands of years.

Indian women, who have always been renowned for their long, luxuriant hair, developed the art of head massage.  Together with selected oils, the techniques became part of a beauty treatment.  The art of head massage was designed to stimulate and refresh.
Indian infants often rceive a massage from birth until they are 3 years old to keep them in good health.  From an early age, they are taught to share massage with family members.  Massage occurs across generations as an integral part of family life.

In India today, whether as a tourist or a resident, it is quite common to be offered a head massage on street corners, in the market place or even on the beach fronts.

Learn all our techniques or choose one or two for home and family use

The Art of Feet® Reflexology


Each and every part of the Human Body is represented on our feet:

The centre of the body is reflected in the inside area (medial) of our feet; The left side of the body is reflected on the left foot and the right side on the right foot; The internal organs are represented underneath (plantar) the feet (sole) and the muscles and skeleton on the upper (dorsal) of the feet.  The skin is represented on the entire foot. 

By learning this magical relaxing technique of Reflexology (The Art of Feet®), you will be able to assist others in their bodies own natural healing ability, a healing technique that was depicted in  the pyramids of Egypt

An additional course: The Art of Feet® Painting day AND now Turning Point!

Come and have fun -  no art experience required – paint over your own foot impressions and discover your path from past to future - now In conjuntion with The Art Of Feet painting day, I have added something very exciting:  "Turning Point" is the knowledge and the use of the power of your subconscious mind.  Desires begin the day, followed by the The Art of Feet where we find out what it is that has been programmed into your subconscious.  Then with finding out what your desires are, we add the tools to re-programme your subconsious mind into getting what you really want out of life.


(in conjuction with Morula Centre in Midrand)

Herbology is the oldest and most popular form of healing in the world.  It is Universal Medicine.  It is the use of plant material as medicine.  The earliest evidence of plant medicine is found in the Kurdish mountains (IRAQ), in a a 60 0000 year old neaderthal buriel site.  Fragments of plants were found in a wreath.  These plants were cornflower, yarrow, hollyhock and ephedra, and were used for supernatural and medicinal purposes.  The oldest written evidence is a book written by the chinese emperor Shen Nung, called The Great Herbal.  This was about 3000 years BC.  It is still in print and he is known as the father of Chinese Medicine.

Learn how to grow herbs and how to effectively use them 

Reiki:  Reiki Level I to Reiki Level Master (Teacher)

Reiki is concerned with healing at all levels of a persons being, by connecting with the Life Force within.  Rei, meaning Universal and Ki meaning Energy.

Simply put, Reiki is energy healing.  Energy transferred from one to another, assisting in the balance of the body, in mind, body and soul.  Reiki is relaxing and nurturing.  Come and learn the full course - from self-healing to teaching.


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